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Shamail course – Description, character and conduct of Beloved Prophet

In this course, we will teach some of the chapters of Kitabu’l-Shamail.


    • The mark of Prophecy
    • Clothing style of holy Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)
    • The blessed personal hygiene of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)
    • The body language and style of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)
    • The eating and drinking styles of the holy Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)


Shamail became a separate science at the end of the second half of 3rd century after the Hijrah (AH) (9th century AD). It is known that the word shamail was first used and systematized by the Islamic scholar Imam Tirmizi. No Hadith scholar or historian before him or any of his contemporaries used this term. Imam Tirmizi’s work, called Kitabu’l-Shamail, is composed of 55 sections (bab) and an epilogue (hatima). In this course, we will teach some of the chapters of Kitabu’l-Shamail.

Ultimately, the purpose of Marifah International is to make Islamic education as easy as possible. Our vision is to be a leading Islamic online educational hub that offer Islamic education to an audience in the West in an authentic, academic, professional, reproducible, and engaging way. We thereby aim to equip our students with deep knowledge and practical application of their skills. Through this education, we hope to raise leaders who will serve their communities and humanity at large