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Tasawwuff course

This course has been designed to provide a step by step approach to purify hearts. Many authentic resources have been used by our scholars to frame an extremely beneficial and unique course with a strategic focus to personalise your spiritual journey of self-rectification tailored to your needs as. The course will be run from basics to more advanced spiritual development exercises that benefit the spiritual state of students.


      • Have a good understanding of knowledge of the internal aspects of good character and pure hearts.
      • Gain the ability to self-reflect on one’s spiritual state and identify areas of concern.
      • Gain insight to different states of Nafs (soul) and heart.
      • Appreciate and utilize the pure and sound heart to guide towards good knowledge, good character, and good deeds.



Do you struggle to refrain from sins, and have little motivation to worship Allah swt? Is your heart free and pure from spiritual illnesses? When you do worship Allah swt, are you distracted or feel deprived of the pleasure of connecting with the Creator. There are several reasons why this may be. Our success in this world and hereafter fundamentally revolves around the state of our spiritual heart and soul and how far we are in this journey to salvation.

Allah swt says: “Indeed the successful one is one who purifies his / her soul, and doomed is the one who corrupts it.” [Q. 91:9-10].

This course has been designed to provide a step by step approach to purify hearts. Many authentic resources have been used by our scholars to frame an extremely beneficial and unique course with a strategic focus to personalise your spiritual journey of self-rectification tailored to your needs as. The course will be run from basics to more advanced spiritual development exercises that benefit the spiritual state of students.

Ultimately, the purpose of Marifah International is to make Islamic education as easy as possible. Our vision is to be a leading Islamic online educational hub that offer Islamic education to an audience in the West in an authentic, academic, professional, reproducible, and engaging way. We thereby aim to equip our students with deep knowledge and practical application of their skills. Through this education, we hope to raise leaders who will serve their communities and humanity at large