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Essentials of Beliefs for Muslims

It is often mentioned in most texts of Aqidah that the first obligation upon those who reach the age of puberty is to know Allah (the Exalted). However, we find that most of our people when they reach the critical age of adolescence have often been neglected. Whilst they learn to recite the Quran and memorize a few chapters, they are not taught the foundational matters of creed which are obligatory upon all Muslims


      • The foundational creed of Muslims as mentioned in the Hadith of Jibreel.
      • The beliefs concerning God, His prophets, angels, the hereafter, heaven and hell as well as the divine decree.



It is often mentioned in most texts of Aqidah that the first obligation upon those who reach the age of puberty is to know Allah (the Exalted). However, we find that most of our people when they reach the critical age of adolescence have often been neglected. Whilst they learn to recite the Quran and memorize a few chapters, they are not taught the foundational matters of creed which are obligatory upon all Muslims. In this course, the focus is to teach the core beliefs that all Muslims must hold on to and align their hearts and minds with. The concepts covered in this course include knowledge of the divine and the purpose of life. It also covers the day of judgement, the afterlife, paradise and hell, angels and prophets, as well as the “Qadr” or predestination.

Ultimately, the purpose of Marifah International is to make Islamic education as easy as possible. Our vision is to be a leading Islamic online educational hub that offer Islamic education to an audience in the West in an authentic, academic, professional, reproducible, and engaging way. We thereby aim to equip our students with deep knowledge and practical application of their skills. Through this education, we hope to raise leaders who will serve their communities and humanity at large