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Fiqh of Trade and Transactions

The course will brief on a comparative study of new issues, its correlation to Islamic principles & medieval Islamic law, and the financial laws of various countries in the present day, like selling trademarks, copyrights, franchises, business licenses, publication rights, financial options and so on.


      • State the definition, conditions, and stipulations of the different types of contracts in Islam, differentiating between general trade transactions and detailed transactions.
      • List the rulings and conditions of detailed transactions such as Loaning, Mortgage, Guarantee, Surety ship, Commissioning, and Preemption.
      • State what Riba (usury or interest) is, its types, and its rulings.
      • Create presentations defining the types and conditions of different kinds of partnerships, such as Mudharabah & Musharakah, Diminishing Ijarah.



Very few courses provide a scholarly account of contemporary understandings of Islamic rulings related to trade and commercial transactions in a way which analyses classical text from a contemporary lens. The course will brief on a comparative study of new issues, its correlation to Islamic principles & medieval Islamic law, and the financial laws of various countries in the present day, like selling trademarks, copyrights, franchises, business licenses, publication rights, financial options and so on.

Ultimately, the purpose of Marifah International is to make Islamic education as easy as possible. Our vision is to be a leading Islamic online educational hub that offer Islamic education to an audience in the West in an authentic, academic, professional, reproducible, and engaging way. We thereby aim to equip our students with deep knowledge and practical application of their skills. Through this education, we hope to raise leaders who will serve their communities and humanity at large