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Prayers- Advanced

After Imaan (belief) and refinement of one’s beliefs as per the true tenets of Islam, prayer is regarded the most essential and exalted Fard (obligatory act) of all Fard actions. The Holy Qur’an and the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) announces and presents the splendor and excellence of Salaah.


      • Azaan
      • Essential component (arkan) of salah.
      • Obligatory acts (wajibaat) and recommendations
      • Acts that invalidate the salah
      • Disliked acts in salah
      • Rules regarding the masjid
      • Eid and jannaza (funneral) prayers


After Imaan (belief) and refinement of one’s beliefs as per the true tenets of Islam, prayer is regarded the most essential and exalted Fard (obligatory act) of all Fard actions. The Holy Qur’an and the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) announces and presents the splendor and excellence of Salaah. The Qur’an and Ahadith regularly emphasize the importance and excellence of Salaah, and strict caution and warning (of chastisement) is for those who omit it (Salaah). This course will teach in detail different rulings related to Azaan and prayer.

Ultimately, the purpose of Marifah International is to make Islamic education as easy as possible. Our vision is to be a leading Islamic online educational hub that offer Islamic education to an audience in the West in an authentic, academic, professional, reproducible, and engaging way. We thereby aim to equip our students with deep knowledge and practical application of their skills. Through this education, we hope to raise leaders who will serve their communities and humanity at large